Monday, April 21, 2014


Youtube is added to the list of things banned in Iran.  Currently, "high-speed internet, CNN, democracy, The Da Vinci Code, and gays" are banned.  Iran, being an Islamic Republic, felt these videos were inappropriate and corrupting.  This is only part of a trend where religious leaders have been censoring social media or any kind of mass communication. The Ayatollah has his hands in every aspect of Iranian life, and he enforces it strongly. Many see this as a continuous act of stopping the spread of western influence to Iran and these muslim countries.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Nigeria, being one of the biggest oil suppliers in the world, is the fourth biggest supplier of oil to America. It is estimated that in the past 50 years, over 10 millions barrels of oil have polluted the area. The people are blaming the oil companies for these oil spills and the oil companies are blaming the people for the oil spills because of their piracy.  These oil spills have been killing livestock, harvests, poisoning water sources, and creating other health concerns.  There have only been a few people that were successful in suing these oil companies for reparations of the damages lost.  Shell gasoline estimates that it loses between 50-60 million barrels of oil a year due to piracy, which translates to a 7 billion dollars a year loss.  Even though there are task forces that try to prevent and stop oil piracy, but it has largely been unsuccessful due to the terrain and areas they have to patrol.  The water alone, is so unhealthy because of the pollution, that it is said to have 900x the limit amount of benzene that the World Health Organization deems "safe to drink".  Even though these oil companies spend big bucks to invest in these communities, there are many complaints that the money does not get to the right people.  At one point, the people got fed up and took militant action, where the nigerians kidnapped the oil workers and sabotaged the oil pipeline.

Scroll 14 minutes in to see the clip on Nigeria...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Brasil: MMA
With the poor conditions and lack of opportunities in the Brazilian favelas, many have turned to mixed martial arts (MMA) as a means to get out.  MMA has been popularized by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and other televised fighting organizations. Not many people know that the UFC was actually created by a Brazilian fighter who came from a long family line of MMA fighting, called the Gracies.
In Brazil, the MMA is called vale tudo which translates to "anything goes."  The stuff you see on TV pales in comparison to the fighting in Brazil, because they are bare knuckle fights that do not care about weight or gender. Most of these fighters are from the slums and use "poverty as a discipline" (Shane Smith).  To some of these fighters, winning is the equivalent to survival, because if they lose it might mean the difference between them eating or not. Some do not even get paid for fights, they simply do it in hopes of making it to the big leagues. The favelas themselves are often involved in heavy drug sales or other illegal activities that translate into high homicide rates.  In the end, like all sports, only a few make it

Mexico's Border
When people speak about Mexico's border, they immediately think of the US-Mexico one.  The reality is that most of the people that come into the US illegally are from Central America. People tend to ignore the fact that Mexico has a southern border that almost all of the Central Americans use to eventually get to the US.  At this border, like the northern border of Mexico, people cross illegally because they do no have the proper documentation.  This means the trip is twice as hard for those people, because they have to make this dangerous and illegal border crossing twice (once into Mexico, then into the US).
Most of the people who make this journey are honest and hardworking, who only do so because the have family they need to support and have no other option.  Just getting into Mexico can get the traveler into sticky situations such as extortion, kidnapping, forced to be drug mules, but mostly sexual exploitation for women travelers.  Some women simply get stuck in prostitution and end up staying in these small towns. It got so bad that in Mexico, they setup a special federal division to prosecute crimes against migrants.
The end result is a flood of Central American immigrants in Mexico, especially between 2005 and 2009.  This raises the ability of the cartels and gangs to use these migrants as pawns/victims of their organizations.  Prostitution levels are rising, as well as sex trafficking and violence.

Monday, March 24, 2014


The section I am looking at in this clip is the second half, starting at 11 mins and 30 seconds.

For years, Muslims and Hindu have been clashing in India and Pakistan, as described in the book.  One of the most fought of areas is Kashmir, a disputed area between India And Pakistan.  Currently, most of Kashmir is under Indian occupation. There is much conflict over this area that only seems to be escalating.  Shane Smith believes that this border is the most dangerous on in the world.  The end result could turn into nuclear war.
Pakistan currently has state-sponsored terrorists that are raising havoc on India.  Both sides feel they are right, and there is no resolution in sight, especially with the terror attacks on India.  To top that off, these wars are involving religion, which takes an entirely more dangerous turn.

Monday, March 17, 2014

China's Possible Real-Estate burst

Shane Smith states that China will one day take over the US as the largest economy is 20 years or less, since they have been experiencing double digit economic growth in the past 3 decades.  The question is if the economy is as solid as it seems.
The problem at hand is that China is creating these massive towns that are vacant, and real-estate has been 13% of their GDP. China uses numbers from property construction to calculate GDP, not values from property sold. This is an issue because it may indicate that the economy is not as solid as it appears, and may lead to a burst in the real-estate bubble.
Smith says the economic slogan "supply and demand" is being replaced by "build now, sell later,"  which is seen as a dangerous form of voodoo economics.
It is currently having a ripple effect inside China's economy. When the Chinese economy takes a turn for the worst, it will also be felt in the US and around the world. These stories have not come much to light, for the government will try to suppress your word and come after you.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Russia and Ukraine: The Ukraine crisis timeline

This article is very important to read.  For those of you who do not know much about the issue between Russia and Ukraine, would benefit from glancing this over.  Basically, Ukraine broke away from the USSR in 1991 and still has close ties to Russia.  Ukraine feels as if they are not truly free from Russia, since there are rumors of pro-russian officials rigging the presidential elections. Later, Russia tries to help out Ukraine buy paying off $15 billion of Ukraine's debt in exchange for cheaper gas prices.  After a lot of protest and political turmoil in Ukraine, the political system starts to slowly fall apart and Russia moves into get involved. Next thing you know Russia is talking about taking back the Crimean peninsula.  On top of that, Russia has troops there trying to take over.  Russia denies that the troops there are attempting to take anything over and are simply there for defensive purposes.  Now, there are planned talks to resolve this and plans to place sanctions on Russia if they do not comply.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Japan's economy

With the economic environment not looking so hot in Japan, banks have stepped in to help out.  The plan is to allow more loans to be processed at larger amounts, and with lower interest rates.  This is supposed to increase money in circulation by giving money to spenders.  In order for the program to work, the people receiving the loans will need to pump that money back into the economy through spending.  The banks are taking on an active stance on pushing for a better economic status in Japan.  In other countries, we see the government taking that place to get the economy stimulated again.  Only time will tell if the program is a success of failure.  If it fails, someone else will come up with another stimulus plan and try again.

Monday, February 10, 2014

German President goes to trail

This article is from November.  The ex-President of Germany, Christian Wulff, had to go to trial for accepting gifts.  Mr. Wulff had allowed a film producer to pay for his hotel rooms on multiple occasions. This was seen as an act of corruption, since the President had used his power to benefit the producer he received the gifts from.  When people think of corruption, they think about politicians receiving large bags of cash, but the reality is that there are many forms of corruption and many was to corrupt people.  The gifts are part of what is called a quid pro quo.  This basically is a favor for a favor.  If people can influence officials for their own benefit, it defeats the system in place.  The official will no longer act in the interest of the masses, and instead act in favor of a few individuals. 

The trial is said to be the first time a German president was put on trial since Admiral Karl Doenitz.  Admiral Doenitz was Adolf Hitler's successor who was put on trial for war crimes.  Doenitz was eventually convicted.  Many officials believe that Wulff and his family have suffered enough, that his resignation is enough, and that the trial is unnecessary. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

France's economy

    The article I found is from December, but covers an important topic the book brings up.  The book Countries and Concepts talks about how unemployment is a huge issue in France (as is the rest of the world).  This is something to pay attention to as it effects the global economy and puts a lot of pressure on the French government.
The article tells that the latest purchasing managers' index from Markit, shows that France's figures are falling.  The numbers are falling so much, that people are starting to worry that France may be back in recession.  Sources say that part of the reason the numbers are so low is the high unemployment rate, which stands at 11%.  Of course there are other countries that are worse of, but when compared to neighboring countries like Germany, France is not doing so well.

Monday, January 27, 2014

British Political Parties

The link above shows the ranking of political parties, in the United Kingdom, through opinion polls for about the past two years.  It shows that there has been a steady preference towards the labor party.  The Group that comes in second is the conservative party.  These two groups would be comparable to our republican and democrat parties, in the way that these are the two main parties that compete.  There were a few different surveys taken, over the phone and internet, and each one included 1,000-1,500 interviewees. There is a margin of error of +/- 3%, that we must take into consideration.

Seeing as we read chapter 2 about how the parties evolved and the impacts they made on the UK, i felt this article was relevant.  It shows how the citizens of the UK still feel about these political parties and if there were any changes in the past two years.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Failed State

   Ethiopia is sending in more troops to aid the African Union in protecting Somalia's borders.  Somalia is a failed state and needs a lot of help.  The first task is to secure the artificial boundaries.  They are currently under attack from terrorist groups with ties to al-Qaeda.  These terrorist groups are trying to use resources to their own advantage and implement Islamic law.  Somalia has had no formal government between 1992 and 2012, After they had ousted their president.  In 2012, the international community backed the implementation of a government, due to high pirating problems.