Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Failed State

   Ethiopia is sending in more troops to aid the African Union in protecting Somalia's borders.  Somalia is a failed state and needs a lot of help.  The first task is to secure the artificial boundaries.  They are currently under attack from terrorist groups with ties to al-Qaeda.  These terrorist groups are trying to use resources to their own advantage and implement Islamic law.  Somalia has had no formal government between 1992 and 2012, After they had ousted their president.  In 2012, the international community backed the implementation of a government, due to high pirating problems.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was a great read! I had no idea they were under attack from terrorist groups tied to Al-Qaeda! It's unbelievable! I think it was really stupid of the people of Somalia to rid their government without thinking of a way to put some sort of leader or any type of government forward for that reason! It was very ignorant on their part. That is why they are in the situation they are in. I'm surprised they hadn't been under attack sooner or even conquered or colonized by another country. I hadn't realized the pirating problem was such a pressing issue until quite recently, and I'm sure most Americans were unaware until the movie "Captain Phillips" came out. We should look more into this country and more because it's very interesting to learn about!
