Monday, February 10, 2014

German President goes to trail

This article is from November.  The ex-President of Germany, Christian Wulff, had to go to trial for accepting gifts.  Mr. Wulff had allowed a film producer to pay for his hotel rooms on multiple occasions. This was seen as an act of corruption, since the President had used his power to benefit the producer he received the gifts from.  When people think of corruption, they think about politicians receiving large bags of cash, but the reality is that there are many forms of corruption and many was to corrupt people.  The gifts are part of what is called a quid pro quo.  This basically is a favor for a favor.  If people can influence officials for their own benefit, it defeats the system in place.  The official will no longer act in the interest of the masses, and instead act in favor of a few individuals. 

The trial is said to be the first time a German president was put on trial since Admiral Karl Doenitz.  Admiral Doenitz was Adolf Hitler's successor who was put on trial for war crimes.  Doenitz was eventually convicted.  Many officials believe that Wulff and his family have suffered enough, that his resignation is enough, and that the trial is unnecessary. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I doubt he'll get convicted, but maybe. Don't think putting this guy in jail ends corruption, but they may try to make an example out of him.
