Monday, March 24, 2014


The section I am looking at in this clip is the second half, starting at 11 mins and 30 seconds.

For years, Muslims and Hindu have been clashing in India and Pakistan, as described in the book.  One of the most fought of areas is Kashmir, a disputed area between India And Pakistan.  Currently, most of Kashmir is under Indian occupation. There is much conflict over this area that only seems to be escalating.  Shane Smith believes that this border is the most dangerous on in the world.  The end result could turn into nuclear war.
Pakistan currently has state-sponsored terrorists that are raising havoc on India.  Both sides feel they are right, and there is no resolution in sight, especially with the terror attacks on India.  To top that off, these wars are involving religion, which takes an entirely more dangerous turn.


  1. Very interesting, has any of countries tried fixing this issue of religious tension? They have a religion that is has a mixture of both religions and still they do fight over religion. Do you think that education has to do with the factor that people become intolerant of religion? How would you fix this problem if you had political influence? Do you think that India is going to split because of religion, or is India going to take over Pakistan?

  2. It is really sad that religious wars date back to the earlier centuries, and are still continuing till this day. Violent conflicts of these wars are more often than not, tied with conflicting differences in ethnic issues as well. Hopefully one day people will get along and let others believe in what they choose. I guess that is one good thing that we have here in the US! The freedom of religion.
